Monday, May 10, 2010

Maplevizer, Inc.

On our Mother's Day hike yesterday, the kids were doing what they do best, playing with sticks. Gregory had a long, curved stick that was, 'Blowing moke on da fire.' Charlie had a huge limb with tons of smaller branches. What do you have Charlie? 'This is my maplevizer. I use it for smoking bad guys and making them dead.'
We walked a little further talking about maplevizers. Brian and I decided we should start a company called Maplevizer Consultants. We're not sure what we would do, but we'd have a cool name and would surely be successful.
'Mommy, now my maplevizer is a shooter, but not like a shooter gun for bad guys. It shoots love. Watch.' He points, aims, and shoots it at me. Cute. Then he proceeds to chuck it down the side of a ravine. 'Yeah, that maplevizer was really heavy, I needed get rid of it.' It was nice while it lasted.

Charlie loves to make up words. Even the childish games he invents have catchy, interesting names like Fita and Taber Mamah. Every week or so a new word gets added to the mix. If there was a business for word creation, my kid would get hired right now. Wait, isn't that advertising? Or is it marketing? Never mind.

We have a small plastic wagon that used to hold some Duplo Blocks. We've been using it to store our massive Hot Wheels/Match Box collection, until Charlie realized Gregory could fit inside of it. He loves to pull his brother all over the house going as fast as he can. When the need for speed hits, Charlie will yell, 'Hey Gregory, come and get into the compoundown.' - aka the wagon. I have no idea where compoundown comes from, but it has a certain ring to it. The kid has a gift.

As I was loading the boys into the car some months ago, Charlie beckoned, 'Gregory, come in here quick. I need your help with the benemehno.' The what? 'The benemehno. Gregory, get in here now before it gets away.' The definition is a moving target depending on the day you ask. Yesterday, benemehno was a lot of dots in one place. Really? 'Well Mommy, what it means to me is that there are a bunch of dots all together and it means the same thing to Ari.' Interesting.
What other words do you have that you can teach me?
'None, they're all worn out so I don't use them. Except when I'm going poop because I like to talk about them in private.'
I guess he's shy about his creative genius. The advertising world will have to wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the things the little dudes come up with!