Wednesday, August 20, 2008

This glass I live in

Most of my friends say that with their kids there are good weeks and bad weeks. Well, we've been in about a 3 week 'bad' cycle. I just read something online that attempted to put things into perspective.
If you measure how bad your kid is in hours, even if they are bad for 8 hours a day, there are still 16 hours where they are good, thus your child is more good than bad. A simplistic approach at which I scoff. 11-12 of those hours are devoted to sleep and that doesn't really count in the glass is half empty world from which I cannot seem to escape.
I'm working on it. Am off to read 'Screamfree Parenting' by Hal Edward Runkel.
Charlie is at daycare today, thus the reason why I have nothing to report. Gregory is sleeping soundly in his crib. Cherish these moments.

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