Thursday, May 28, 2009

Luxury Redefined

A fellow mom from Charlie's preschool takes the same 6 am workout class that I do. Post sweat, as we headed towards the locker room, she asked if I was going straight home or showering there. I said I was hurrying home because Brian had to take off early for work.

She was staying to shower and commented, "It's just so luxurious to shower here." To avoid any confusion, my gym is nice, but it's not nice enough where someone would ever mistake it for being luxurious. I thought it was an interesting adjective to use, but understood. My friend was simply stating that the ability to shower alone, without having someone banging on the shower door, or crying through the wall, is a true treat that she bestowed upon herself.

We both agreed, if the roles were reversed, neither of our husbands would think twice about the extra 15 minutes it takes to shower at the gym. They would just do it. But as Mom's, we feel guilty being away from our kids for more than 5 minutes. And G_d forbid if those 5 minutes are for something as frivolous as a shower. Our IGC's would probably switch to tase mode and shock us into submission from within our own bodies. (IGC is an intrauterine guilt chip and one of my many conspiracy theories - see IGC post from 1/7/09 for full definition) .

During our life time, the idea of luxury changes drastically. Growing up in a family of 5, living on one teacher's salary, I don't really think the word ever entered my mind. In hindsight, ordering dessert with my Happy Meal instead of eating Oreos at home or shopping something other than the clearance rack at Marshall's would count. In my 20's, it was free beer at my favorite bar and a burger after last call. And my 30's, a spa day followed by a nice dinner (and dessert) and good wine. I guess one could argue my sense of luxury has been evolving.

But since having kids, what I consider to be luxurious today is downright offensive to all of my former selves. I came up with a list of things I would like to experience in the near future; my expectations are so low I didn't even put a time line to them.
Quite possibly the saddest 'luxury' list ever compiled.

1). Going to the bathroom alone.
a). Going to the bathroom without having the toilet flushed several times prior to me getting off of it.

2). Finishing an entire meal without popping up every time someone utters 'Mommy, I want/need...'
a). Eating alone.

3). Drinking out of a water bottle that has not been back-washed with Cheerio or Goldfish remnants.

4). Wearing an outfit that is free of dried snots, diaper cream or mystery milk stains.

5). Leaving the house knowing that yesterday's mascara has been properly removed from under my eyes.

6). Needing to set an alarm (nope, don't need one for that 6 am work out class).

This could have easily gone all the way up to 100. The damn IGC must have been tripped, weakening all muscles, forcing me to stop typing my selfish list and get back to caring for my husband and kids. I know, I know, poor me and my sad list. I recognize that this is the rant of the privileged and that there are people living in a 3rd world countries where clean water and indoor plumbing would be in a fight for number 1. To those of you who judge, first, I bet in those 3rd world countries, the kids don't follow the mom into the poop shack nor do they pre-flush on them. Second, my blog, my bitch - I'm not out to save the world, just my sanity.

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