Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Karma's Ass Biting

Back from 4 1/2 glorious days of a girl's weekend in VT and the ole IGC (intrauterine guilt chip - see Men vs. Women post) was in high gear.
I've never taken so much pleasure in doing nothing. What is that cliche you never really miss something until it's gone? Well, no truer words have been spoken/written as I haven't seen free time like this since Rebecca Romijn still had hyphen Stamos attached to her name. Sitting around till 11 am in my jammies, drinking gallons of coffee, reading my book or the closest trashy magazine, chatting with my girlfriends. And the best part, no one interrupting any of these very important activities with endless whining questions about Play-doh, juice boxes or Eric Carle books.
It was heaven, until I got home. You know when you eat too much candy how bad you feel? Well, I think the universe (as well as my IGC) was trying to tell me I had had my fill of sweets. It shouted, telling me I had taken too many days for myself, away from my kids. Most girl's weekends are just that, a weekend, not 5 days (technically 4 if you count travel).
I returned home to 1 teething baby with diarrhea along with a diaper rash that looks like 3rd degree burns; a 3 year old with an ear infection and ruptured ear drum with puss-goo-stuff oozing out his ear. In addition he has started saying 'Hey, Mommy' before every word he utters. This may sound trivial, but seriously, try saying that each time you start a sentence, 12 hours a day, every day, it's sure to annoy you as well as any conversation companion you have, including your mother.
'Hey Mommy, can I have some juice. Hey Mommy, can we play blocks. Hey Mommy, I'm going to flush my socks down the toilet. Hey Mommy, I'm going to bonk Gregory in the head then feed him to the birds. Hey Mommy, if I light that dog on fire, what will happen?'

I know I shouldn't complain, most of my friends are down right green with envy. But next time, I'll make sure not to tempt fate and keep my weekend to a weekend. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Sorry, that was my IGC talking. Scratch that. Next time I will make it a full week and not give a shit about the repercussions when I return home. My girl's "weekend" and the memory of it are something I will cherish and will get me through many a tough day with my kids. To all mommies everywhere, take some time for yourself to rest and regenerate, you'll love yourself and your kids more for it.

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