Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chuck off

With 2 boys and no plans for a 3rd child, my husband and I often stare longingly (not in a weird way) at little girls. Little girls, and everything about them, are adorable to me. They are just so different from boys (Charlie would say 'Duh, Mommy' right here).

The longevity with which they can sit at a table and color for over 20 minutes without making a sound (or breaking anything).

Their need to mother small babies and not hit, bite, kick, head butt or scratch them.

Their innate sense of accessorization. It never fails to amaze me when I see a 3 year old at the park with sandals, matching purse, sunglasses and a necklace, climbing on the jungle gym.

With all of this little girl worship going through my head, I was thinking, what do boys bring to the table? The answer, cool footwear, most specifically sneakers (see photos above). I love buying Charlie awesome sneakers, especially if they are black. He has quite a collection - Pumas, Vans, Chuck Taylors, Nike - the list is almost embarrassing. I thought about adding a cool matching hat or sunglasses. But everyone knows, little boys hate things on their head and face. But I can't help it, the need to accessorize never really leaves us.

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