Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stream of consciousness

Charlie speaks 3 languages, English, Spanish and Charlie-speak. It's often hard to decipher which language he's using at any given moment. It's obvious where he picked up English, Spanish is from the wonderful women at his daycare, and Charlie-speak is his made up language. To call it nonsensical would be an insult, there are words he repeats over and over in sentences, with real meaning.

It's really interesting to listen to him when he gets into 'crazy mode' - usually happens at night around dinner time or when he gets excited or the moon is full or it's Wednesday. He starts doing laps around the house, running as fast as he can from room to room, screaming at the top of his lungs words in every language, in rapid fire succession. I imagine he sounds much like a person with Turret's on crystal meth. I really want to crawl into his brain to figure out what he is talking about.

Last night, Charlie shifted into high gear 'crazy mode'. I happened to have a notebook close by and put pen to paper. At a frenzied pace I captured everything he was saying in an attempt to decode the crazy and establish some kind of rationality to the things he was screaming.

Here it goes:
No puedes
No pinneas
Hot pancakes
(demonic laughter ensues)
I made you a house
(I yell 'thank you' from the kitchen)
It's only for me and Bonnie
(throws all pillows off the couch onto the floor)
I have an idea, let's start cleaning up toys!
(instead of cleaning, he starts throwing his toys around the house)
I made a good plan
Look at the living room, it's very, very, very, very, very, very dry
(runs into the kitchen and hits me, then runs out)
Ven a sah dee, ven a sah dee, ven a sah dee
Pizza pie
I'm going to poke you in the rivvon
Wahsh, wahsh, wahsh, wahsh, wahsh
Water bottle, please
Kick (he actually kicks me while screaming the word)

Game over, TIME OUT!
I hear more demonic laughter from his room where he has been sent to read a book and calm down.
10 minutes later he and I are sitting at the dinner table. He looks at me and says, 'We're having a nice quiet time. It's so nice you could come over for dinner.'
Diagnosis: adorable but nuts.

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